Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cause And Effect Of Pollution - 721 Words

Every day, millions of humans, plants, and animals are affected by pollution. Cancer, disease, and kidney failure are just some of the rapidly increasing effects. Pollution is a growing concern that is gradually changing the way the environment and ecosystem function. With thousands of foreign and natural contaminants being pumped into the environment every day, serious action will need to be taken to reverse the life-threatening effects of pollution. Although, some could argue that pollution is mostly caused by natural chemicals; the number one leading cause of pollution is human activity. With the continued growth of human activity and modern production, pollution has reached its highest levels; causing an increase in environmental and†¦show more content†¦Most chemicals, however, spread from factories (Rinkesh). Although many could argue that their factories or plants are not giving off dangerous chemicals, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology concluded that nearly 2 00,000 people die each year just from factory pollution alone. In places such as Beijing, pollution has been directly connected to the factories, which has caused new diseases and severe smog (Rinkesh). With modern production levels so high, heavy factory cities are going to continue to suffer as well as the population. Pollution is affecting many different forms of life. The main reason being due to the sicknesses and diseases humans and animals face after exposure to contaminants (Weiman). Many pollutants are carcinogens, which put living things at higher risk of breathing problems and severe inner organ damage (Weiman). Although many could argue that pollution is not the cause of cancer and diseases; a study in 1995 found a connection between pollution and increased deaths from cardiovascular and respiratory problems (Weiman). Exposure to toxic chemicals and dangerous poisons are clearly affecting humans and animals. According to The World Wild Life Organization, â€Å"chemicals persist in the environment and accumulate in the bodies†. Every day, humans and animals are suffering from the pollution being breathed in. It is important thatShow MoreRelatedCauses And Effects Of Pollution1578 Words   |  7 PagesMs. Spain English IV 8 December 2014 The Causes and Effects of Pollution There are constant news reports about pollution and how it’s destroying earth and how it helps the greenhouse effect on Earth’s atmosphere. There are many different sources of pollution, even some that may not seem likely to produce so much. There are many causes of pollution in the environment. 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